Thai Language Resources

Started Thai in April 2020 🙂 Let’s see where this brings me! Sharing resources that I’ve personally used.

Learning the Thai Alphabet

Beginner Textbooks


  • 表現を身につける初級タイ語 – Loving this! One of my main textbooks
  • タイ語の基本 – Another of my main textbooks. This one is grammar focused, so I use it to complement 表現を身につける初級タイ語


  • Easy Thai – The textbook which I use in English


  • 맛있는 태국어
  • The 바른 태국어 첫걸음

Reading Materials

Thai Dramas

  • Love Destiny – The drama that started it all 😛 (9/10)
  • Ugly Duckling Series: Don’t – AW this got my heart!! (9/10)
  • Ugly Duckling Series: Perfect Match – Decent watch, although I don’t like the male lead as much as I did for Don’t. ZERO is still my love 😛 (7.5/10)
  • Hormones Season 1 & 2 – LOVE (8/10)
  • Oh My Ghost | OMG ผีป่วนชวนมารัก – So much heart in this show, I cried. A show that I will revisit time and again (9/10)
  • 2gether: The Series | เพราะเราคู่กัน – My first BL drama and I love it!!! Also a show I rewatched. I haven’t warmed up to season 2 yet though sadly (9/10)
  • Let’s Fight Ghost คู่ไฟท์ไฝว้ผี – Remake of a Korean drama. I loved it, but the last two episodes were pretty much a letdown. It seemed to lose steam. Still good though (8/10)
  • Dare to Love | ให้รักพิพากษา – I loved it so much at first, but we barely get to see the main pairing being TOGETHER. Sigh. And the female lead can be so frustrating. (7/10)
  • Remember You | คือเธอ – LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. (10/10)
  • Bangkok Love Stories: Objects of Affection | Bangkok รัก Stories 2 ตอน สิ่งของ – I love the cast, and the premise. But I can’t objectively say that it’s good, not when the plot is pretty weak, with the two most ineffectual villains and illogical decisions, along with the last ep where I was just like OMG WHAT NO HUH WTH. That said, it was still a pleasant watch which I definitely didn’t regret. (7/10)
  • Bad Buddy | แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน – Everyone says this tops the BL genre. I think this tops the romance / friendship genre for me. One of those shows you’ll want to rewatch again and again, and be able to pick out more details each time. LOVE x infinity. (10/10 for sure!)
  • The Gifted | นักเรียนพลังกิฟต์ – Loved it at the start, but didn’t finish it (7/10)
  • KinnPorsche | คินน์พอร์ช เดอะซีรีส์ – I loved the leads but I can’t remember if I actually finish this. Good cinematography, but I think I didn’t like the storyline as much. (8/10)
  • F4 Thailand | หัวใจรักสี่ดวงดาว – Took me about two eps to get into it, but woah I actually love this so much. Nothing can beat the Taiwanese adaptation in my opinion, but this my second fav adaptation!! And I love how they give it their own flavour instead of just copy and pasting from the source. (9.5/10)
  • Only Friends | เพื่อนต้องห้าม – LOVEEEEEEEE. I love how real, honest and raw the conversations are. So much food for thought about relationships and friendships here. Everyone is so on point here. Absolutely glad to watch this and it got me out of a slump. (10/10)
  • A Tale of Thousand Stars | นิทานพันดาว – Mix as Tian here is *superb*. And I just love how the relationship unfolds, and there’s so much more beyond the main couple. Also very glad that we don’t have many couples here. I don’t particularly like how some BL dramas just pair everyone up. (9/10)
  • Dark Blue Kiss | จูบสุดท้ายเพื่อนายคนเดียว – An easy 10/10. So many things to take away from this drama, I don’t even know where to start. I loveee the nuggets of wisdom at the end of each episode. I can’t wait for my Thai to become better and I’ll revisit those. For now, I’ll hold this show close to my heart. Also I need more SunMork. Just because. (10/10)
  • A Boss and a Babe | ชอกะเชร์คู่กันต์ – 100/10. This series got my heart 100%. I don’t think I can love anything else more, but I’m looking forward to ForceBook topping that again! Love love love love. (10/10)
  • Not Me | เขา…ไม่ใช่ผม – My first OffGun series, and definitely not my last. This is a very different BL series, and I’m all here for it. The social criticism, the depth, the acting. It was on point. (10/10)
  • Last Twilight | ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม – Jimmy as Mohk is just *screams*. I have a super soft spot for him. I cried. (10/10)
  • Love in the Air | บรรยากาศรัก เดอะซีรีส์ – I fell hard. Real hard. I thought the P’Payu x Rain story had all my heart, then came P’Pai x Sky and that arc drew out so much feelings I never thought I had. So, so good. Definitely one to revisit time and again. The way P’Payu and P’Pai look at their boys. Awww. Update: The special episode is *everything* I’m never getting out of their world. (10/10)
  • Never Let Me Go | เพื่อนายแค่หนึ่งเดียว – There were several plotholes, but I still enjoyed the series. (7/10)
  • Wedding Plan | แผนการ(รัก)ร้ายของนายเจ้าบ่าว – This was cute, and also because it was in the same universe as LiTA (loose connection) and it was so cute to see cameos. That aside, I really enjoyed the story and was sad that it was only 7 eps. (7/10)
  • The Eclipse | คาธ – I love the characters and themes, but I just wasn’t invested in the way the story played out. 10/10 for the acting but . . . (5/10)
  • Cooking Crush | อาหารเป็นยังไงครับหมอ – My second OffGun series. I enjoy them being cute and everyone is so CUTE. Neo is a mood here 😀 It’s a cute series, not much angst. It’s the best when I want an stress-free watch, for that I give it 9/10. But overall . . . (7/10)
  • I Told Sunset About You | แปลรักฉันด้วยใจเธอ – Now I know. Now I know why they call this a masterpiece. I’ll never be the same again. (10/10)
  • I Promised You the Moon | แปลรักฉันด้วยใจเธอ Part 2 – I’m so grateful this show exists. It gutted me, put into words the feelings swirling within, and healed me. Again, I’ll never be the same. (10/10)
  • Moonlight Chicken | พระจันทร์มันไก่ – Objectively, this is a very good show, and I love the slice-of-life storytelling with some very real issues, but somehow it didn’t quite hit the raw emotions for me. But definitely a must-watch. I keep thinking about the way Wen looks at Jim. aw. (8.5/10)
  • Cutiepie | นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ – The first time I watched it, I couldn’t quite get into ep 1 but I’m SO GLAD I tried again. I love everything about the show, and like many others, this is probably the only series where I’d *never* skip the singing scenes. NuNew’s voice <3. Also very invested in all the couples and friendships in the series. (10/10)
  • Cutiepie 2 | นิ่งเฮีย 2 You – So. Gorgeously. Beautiful. It’s so healing to watch this show and I’m so glad it exists. (10/10)
  • Naughty Babe | ดื้อเฮียก็หาว่าซน – I love interconnected series. Having another 8 episodes of Hia Lian, NuKuea, Hia Yi and Kon Diao of the cutiepie series is just *amazing*. Enjoyed this tremendously, and there were some really outrageously funny moments here. It didn’t have the most compelling storytelling, but it has a lot of heart and I’m here for it. Edit: Coming back to say that I’ve fallen in love with MaxNat vlogs. HOW CUTE. (9.5/10)
  • The Middleman’s Love | พี่เจตคนกลาง – I was all ready for TutorYim even though they weren’t reprising their roles as Nuer and Syn, but what is this. ): The over-the-top acting was way over anything I could stomach. Someone please tell me if this is any good. (stopped at ep 1) edit: I tried again after BF, but I only managed to stick around until ep 2. ): Can we have another TutorYim series please.
  • Bed Friend | อย่าเล่นกับอนล – Given the themes, definitely not an easy watch. But kudos to the actors for the nuanced portrayal of the characters. Sad about #netjames and it feels bittersweet to start watching this series knowing how we aren’t getting more from them. The pilot for Love Upon a Time is so precious now omg. This is definitely a gem. (10/10)
  • Dangerous Romance | หัวใจในสายลม – This is so underrated?! PerthChimon = acting powerhouses omg. Chimon was one of the first Thai actors I really love (since The Gifted) and I’m falling for him all over again as Silom. I need to catch up with his previous works and I hope to see him in more diverse roles next time. Also, Pepper is really cute here?! (10/10)
  • Love by Chance | บังเอิญรัก – This is a 2018 show and there are troupes that I cannot get behind, but overall I loveee this so much. I can understand why some people feel like this is the OG show for them, and I’m all for the dynamics here. It’s funny how Let’s Fight Ghost was one of my earliest Thai dramas and now I’m watching younger Saint in a BL show. And TinCan. My heart. (8.5/10)
  • A Chance to Love | บังเอิญรัก 2 – Ae is just sad all the time ;;; It’s a little hard to watch the show knowing how off-screen happenings have impacted the show’s direction. But TinCan was great. Even though the plot had holes, I’m still there for them. (7/10)
  • Venus in the Sky | ห้ามฟ้าห่มดาว – I tried to like this. I think I’d have rated it higher if I was watching an episode a week, but this is not a drama to binge-watch (for me at least) because the plot and characters can get really frustrating and repetitive. But I do like their dynamics and the overall vibes. This is a hard one to rate. I ended up speed-watching and skipping lots of parts, so I don’t even think I can say I finished the show. I don’t think I’ll be coming back to it anytime soon. I only wished I had more patience with it. (5/10)
  • Pit Babe | พิษเบ๊บ – woah what a ride! Objectively speaking, the plot is quite messy and the villains somewhat ineffectual, but this show has got heart and a lovely cast that makes me go along with everything willingly, wishing there’s more (and there will be!) Loving Nut so much, especially after I belatedly connected him to a pilot trailer I watched lol. Nut can really act. Looking forward to more from the production company. (9/10)
  • Something in My Room | ผมกับผีในห้อง – I started watching this because I needed more Nut but it blew me away completely. It’s definitely not without its flaws, but perhaps its because it’s a little rough around the edges and so much like life that it has me gripped from start to end, and will continue to stay with me for a long time to come. There were some weird sub-plots / scenes that never seemed to go anywhere, which intrigued rather than irritated me, and it definitely succeeded in telling a bigger story without losing any of its heart. (10/10)
  • Love Mechanics | กลรักรุ่นพี่ – This was done with a lot of heart, and while there were some cliches, I find myself rooting for the characters and wanting them to resolve their misunderstandings and get back together again. (9/10)
  • When a Snail Falls in Love | เมื่อหอยทากมีรัก – An adaptation of the novel by Ding Mo. I think I might have read it, but I don’t remember. In any case, I thought this was a decent watch, although I’m much more invested in the standalone cases than the major one that is weaved throughout the story. It felt like the story lost steam in the last few episodes, and everything became really sloppy. I like the characters, but we don’t seem to spend enough time with any to really feel for them, which makes the emotional payoff rather bland. Acting was great though. This is a hard one to rate. (7/10)
  • Lovely Writer | นับสิบจะจูบ – The premise is great, I love Up. But I struggled to get into this for some reason. There are some stellar reviews for this, maybe I should come back another time. There’re dramas which I’d struggled with but ended up loving, so I might give this another chance later.
  • SOTUS | พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง – The OG show for many. It took a while to get into this, because I’m the kind who hates ‘hazing’ and being against ‘suffering builds character’, I struggled with the plot. That said, I guess I do relate with what’s at the core of the SOTUS system mmm. I can see why this is a classic! Enjoying SOTUS S more – review soon! (8/10)
  • Only Boo! | แค่ที่แกง – I love cute coming-of-age shows 🙂 I watched this without knowing anything about the cast, and I feel myself crying, laughing alongside them and it was such a good ride. They’re now even more endearing after I started watching Project Alpha. I’m usually not into reality tv, but I’m absolutely hooked. Back to the show, it’s an easy watch but one with a lot of heart. And I’m here for flirty Moo and his straightforward attempts to show his love to Kang. I think we all need to be Moo, and knowing that it’s quite beyond me, I’m just living vicariously through him 😛 (10/10)
  • SOTUS S | โซตัสเอสเดอะซีรีส์ – THIS! This was everything – about life, love, friendships and more. I loved how the focus switches from student life (Kongpob) and corporate life (Arthit) at the beginning, and we really feel the differences in their worries, their priorities, their preoccupations. And when Kongpob does his internship, their relationship and dynamics also shifts and it just gets me in the heart. I love our set of characters, although we may not see much of their lives, I love seeing their developments when the camera pans back to them. Now I know why this show is a classic. Indeed. (10/10)
  • He’s Coming to Me | เขามาเชงเม้งข้างๆหลุมผมครับ – Oof. Again, like Something in My Room, you can’t help but be pessimistic about where this will end and at the same time desperately hoping for a miracle. But sometimes I wonder if I do, in fact, prefer a sad ending when it feels right. Definitely worth watching though. (9/10)
  • We Are คือเรารักกัน | We Are – SO CUTE. Okay I *totally* get Phuwin after this hahahahaha. Lots of squeal-worthy moments. So many memories associated with this show. LOVEEEEEE. (10/10)
  • Fish Upon The Sky | ปลาบนฟ้า – Needed more PondPhuwin, so here I am. And very glad to have more NeoLouis too hahaha they’re a riot. I ended up fast-forwarding through the latter half. I think I’m just not into the drawn-out dynamics and honestly I’m more into the second couple. Not quite the show for me. (5/10)
  • Wandee Goodday | วันดีวิทยา – I liked it, but not enough for me to pick it back up again after I got distracted with another show. Maybe next time!
  • The Secret of Us | ใจซ่อนรัก – This show feels like everything I wanted a GL to be! The first few episodes were really strong, and then it got bogged down by a ridiculous and weak storyline. Seriously, the chemistry held up everything. (6/10)
  • Love Sea | ต้องรักมหาสมุทร – It’s not my all-time favourite, but it’s impossible to have FortPeat and not make me invested. They can do nothing and I’ll still watch. I have a number of favourite moments, but there’re things I didn’t like, so overall . . . (8/10)
  • Two Worlds | โลกสองใบ ใจดวงเดียว – I cannot quite get into the storyline but I love everyone in there?! This is hard to rate. (7/10)
  • I’m Tee, Me Too | คนละทีเดียวกัน – A random watch because I’m waiting for new episodes and I didn’t expect to like this as much as I did. The idea of found family never gets old, and I love how each of the Tees get their focus, and how they’re working through their respective issues. There’s a bit of comedic relief here, but I do appreciate how they’re talking about trauma and I’m just so glad that everyone’s so supportive of each other. (9.5/10)
  • This Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans | รักนี้ไม่มีถั่วฝักยาว – SO CUTE. I mean, the plot is thin, but I’m really not watching for the plot. (9/10)
  • SunsetxVibes | เพียงชลาลัย – Again, the chemistry between the characters is what makes this work. But I did fast-forward quite a bit. It feels like there are too many subplots in the story. Not that it’s bad, but they just aren’t developed enough. (7.5/10)
  • The Trainee | ฝึกงานเทอมนี้ รักพี่ได้มั้ย – SO GOOD. It might even be my top OffGun series and that’s saying something. But P’Jane is really everything. (9/10)
  • My Dear Gangster Oppa | พี่นักเลงที่รัก – I’m such a sucker for mafia love stories?! Honestly, it isn’t the most riveting and there are quite a few plotholes, but again, if the chemistry works, it works. Squealworthy 😀 (8/10)
  • Ai Long Nhai | อัยย์หลงไน๋ – Jumped right into this after MDGO, and happy to have found yet another comfort series 🙂 This will stay with me for a long time. It doesn’t feel complete, but in the sense that you know their lives will continue, and we’re just getting a glimpse of what’s happening at a particular point in time. So in that sense, the incompleteness didn’t bug me at all. Also, I didn’t expect to love Jaonan soooo much and honestly, I keep thinking how people who have Jao in their lives are so lucky. I need more Jao moments. (10/10)
  • My Only 12% | ลุ้นรัก 12% – The feels in this one hits different. And Santa is ♡ here. For a story that was very centred and focused on the leads, I found it weird that they decided to bring in family relationships and issues towards the end, and somehow that felt jarring rather than poignant. Didn’t like that too much. We barely got to see them happy?! 10/10 without the last two episodes, but overall (9/10)
  • Until We Meet Again | ด้ายแดง – This is a tough one to rate. While I do appreciate dramas that give each scene time to unfold, I found myself watching this on fast-forward. Strange, because I do enjoy the dynamics and the storyline, but it feels dragged out. Ep 16 hard-carried the entire show and I bawled. I was surprised I cried so much, given that I was fast-forwarding through the first fifteen eps lol. Still worth a watch! (8/10)
  • Between Us | เชือกป่าน – Shares the same universe as UWMA, this time focusing on the story between Win and Team. LOVE. I like this a lot more than UWMA. The pacing is much better, and there were seriously some squeal-worthy moments. I can see why it’s very popular. It doesn’t make my top favourites, but still a very good watch. (9/10)
  • Ai Nhai | อัยย์ไน๋พระจันทร์ดวงเดิม – A special episode after Ai Long Nhai. Coming back to the characters after a while makes me love them even more. Ai is so perfect that I have this awareness that there’s probably no one like this in the world, but that doesn’t stop me from squealing whenever he does a nice thing for Nhai. And yes, Jaonan!!! I need more Jao. (10/10)
  • My Stand-in | ตัวนาย ตัวแทน – Ahhhh. It’s a flawed show, but one that got me bawling, so all’s good. Also, I hated Mek here hahah I still find it hard to accept that it’s the same actor I loved as Zero in My Ugly Duckling. (8/10)
  • Battle of the Writers | รัก…ใต้บรรทัด – hahaha this show is a mess and I’m living for it. I love how uneven the tone is and probably that gives us so many unexpected goodies. This show will live on in my head, for several reasons heh. TutorYim are so underrated I love them so much. And I didn’t know I needed more MarkGems. (9/10)
  • Addicted | รักร้ายนายเสพติด – SIGH. What could have been a really good show went downhill with horrendous troupes, subplots that made no sense. I wanted to love this so much. I basically watched it on fast-forward in the last few episodes. They gave us an intriguing opening scene, but the ending scene doesn’t even connect back to it AT ALL. (4/10)
  • Our Skyy 2 ชอกะเชร์คู่กันต์ – I needed a comfort show, so I went back to rewatch A Boss and A Babe and honestly – Gun is 100%, and I finally watched the two-ep special which I’d been saving for the longest time. I’ll be revisiting this from time to time. (9/10)
  • Enchanté | ใครคือ…อองชองเต – The search for Enchanté is rather annoying and my ears ache at the oft-repeated word, but I’m here for ForceBook, always. A new definition to the perfect (unrealistic) partner 🙂 (8.5/10)
  • Be My Favourite | บทกวีของปีแสง – WOW. I came in with zero expectations and this was truly, truly a gem! They did the whole time slip thing very well. Underrated. (9.5/10)
  • Peaceful Property | บ้านหลอน On Sale – Who said this was comedy? Why am I crying every other ep? Not the kind of show to binge-watch because the format (of a new case every ep) gets a little repetitive. Update: I didn’t finish it. I like the individual episodes, but not so much the overarching story or characters. (7/10)
  • Perfect Ten Liners | สายรหัสเทวดา – so far it’s perfect (still watching)
  • Fourever You | เพราะรักนำทาง – Johan and North are <3 They have my heart!! Wasn’t quite as invested in Hill and Ter’s story, and it dragged on too much. (9/10)
  • Spare Me Your Mercy | การุณยฆาต – WOW. High quality production, with the most nuanced acting. And renewed my love for Tor and how much I used to like him in Hormones. It wasn’t the easiest watch with the themes, but I like how realistic the story is. (10/10)
  • Angel Beside Me | เทวดาท่าจะรัก – Because I need more JJ. LOL. I loved it, but it wasn’t the right show for me that point in time, so when I found myself wanting to fast forward, I thought I should stop. But I did enjoy it! (8.5/10)
  • High School Frenemy | มิตรภาพคราบศัตรู – Hmm this one is a hard one to rate. I stopped at Ep 6. I wanted to like it very much, and I know many did. But the whole school rivalry setting didn’t quite appeal to me, and six episodes in, the characters fell a little flat for me. We barely get to explore the other students’ backstories, which made them feel a little one-dimensional. And I know that anything can trigger animosity and a fight, but hello they are fighting all the time. I love SkyNani, but I was getting tired of seeing them repeat the same interactions. I think I might enjoy it more in a different state of mind, but this wasn’t the right show for me. (7/10)
  • Your Sky | กี่หมื่นฟ้า – I love all the domundi boys seriously. This can be a little cheesy but I’m lapping in up. And omg AuauSave really SHINES here. And I giggle every time I see Por on screen. He’s my happy pill 🙂 And why is Meunfah such a 100% boyfriend and husband material. Another man to add to the they-don’t-exist-irl list. (still watching)
  • A Love So Beautiful | เพราะเธอคือรักแรก – I have it bad for the second male lead here. It’s the kind of show you know he won’t get the girl, and you don’t get why!! (7/10)
  • Boy for Rent | ผู้ชายให้เช่า – Basically watched half the show because I was only invested in Smile + Bad. They’re so cute together. And Bad really is cute. (9/10 for their parts)

Thai Movies

  • Back to the 90’s | 2538 อัลเทอร์ มาจีบ – This is such a heart-warming story. I’m a sucker for time travel shows too (9/10)
  • My Precious | รักแรก โคตรลืมยาก – I had no idea that this was the Thai adaptation of Jiubadao’s You’re the Apple of my Eye. I absolutely l o v e d it. I mean, you can’t go wrong with the cast (Chimon!!) and I cried. I’m so glad everyone returned for the series! (10/10)
  • How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies | หลานม่า – I bawled. Truly a masterpiece. I watched it three times (10/10)
  • Love You to Debt | เธอ ฟอร์ แคช สินเชื่อ..รักแลกเงิน – The trailer got me hooked and it showed me a different side of Bright’s acting and I’m all here for it. The emotions really hit for this one. (10/10)
  • My Boo | อนงค์ – I still feel like crying whenever I think of this one. It’ll have a special place in my heart for sure. There’s always something so gutting about love separated by life and death. That even if you know things won’t work out, you still go all-in for it. But sometimes life is never about the end of the road, but the journey we take. (10/10)
  • The Paradise of Thorns | วิมานหนาม – THIS. No regrets. I ache so much for the unfairness, the could-have-beens, and wow that climatic scene was *top-notch*. This movie pressed all the right buttons and I’ll be thinking about it from time to time. (10/10)

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