1 In Others / General

Just an update!

Firstly, apologies to those who tried to access the site for the past day or so and found it to be down!

There was quite a bit of things going on for the past few days so I didn’t have time to make the necessary tweaks to the settings and left the site to be down hahaha.

Really sorry about it!!

Yup, another thing is regarding the chat group!

Due to unfortunate unforeseen circumstances, it became impossible to continue the open-style of the previous group. Which was a pity because I did enjoy the interaction (and so did the rest!) and even for those who were just silent readers, I assume that it was ok enough that you guys stayed on despite being bombarded by countless messages.

For those who are in the loop, you would know what had happened.

For those who missed it, I don’t really want to go into the whole thing again.

The conclusion is that there would not be a public group for now.

We do actually have a private group now but for the time being, it was agreed that we would not add more people for now. The intent was never to exclude anyone or keep it only to a few people or whatsoever, but after what had happened, we are forced to be more careful about things.

Sorry to be speaking in circles. Thought I had to at least say something!

If anyone from the old chat group really really wants to join us again, please email me or PM me somewhere! (:

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    23 March, 2016 at 10:02 PM

    어머.. 여기서 아이디를 댓글로 남겨서 잘 못했네요ㅠㅠ 혹시 댓글 삭제할 수 있을까요? 죄송해요ㅠㅠ

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